Our Company

Our Company

Visual Link IT is an innovative Digital Services Provider

Management Business Solutions, SaaS, APP's, Marketing and Visual Communications company located in Sydney, Australia.


We are a professional communications agency founded in 1995 and based in Sydney, offering a wide range of services in software, web and APP development and graphic design.

We can allocate to your project specialists in programming, design, SEO, social media, graphics, illustration, advertising, engineering, web tools (Google, Bing and Norton), web printed media, movie creations, marketing... We use all major tools and supporting environments including HTML5, PHP5.X, Java, JavaScript, CSS, MYSQL, XHTML, JQUERY, IPAD, IPHONE, IPOD, MYSQL, PERLSQL, UNIX, CMS, ajax, Apache, Linux and Windows, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Photoshop.

Our team is made of versatile talents to suit your needs with graphic designers, developers and marketing specialists.



We are a skilled team of professionals who are capable of managing every detail of your project.



From research to the final implementation and operation, Visual Link IT staff oversees each step to ensure that you are satisfied with the final results and the botom line. Skills are matched with the requirements of each project, with the company's leadership involved throughout, so you can feel confident that you will receive only our best thinking, creativity and performance.

Jose brings to Visual Link IT Pty Ltd corporate structure, leadership and the desire to take the company to the forefront of the Software management industry. After 23 years of studying all aspects of the industry, while spending the inclusive part of his working life in the marketing of advertising, fashion, events planning, manajement and project management for services, industrial and consumer products.
A firm believer in teamwork and planning, Jose brings together talent and expertise from a variety of disciplines. Jose is an experienced project manager who brings a level of knowledge and foresight rarely matched, saving clients much of the hassles and problems they often face. Jose has depth of knowledge that allows us to offer innovative solutions that take advantage of the most recent advancements, making sure that the project's technical goals are closely tied with the marketing, management and communications' goals.

View Jose Luis Fernandez's profile on LinkedIn



Master of International Business and Master of Commerce
MBA Master in Business Administration
IESE Business Science School
Grad Dip Marketing and Advertising
Grad Dip of Business Studies
Electromechanical Engineering
Grad Dip (Bachelor Degree) Industrial Engineering
Dip Industrial Design
Dip Electrical Engineering
Professional affiliations:

Associate Fellow Australian Institute of Management
Associate of the Australian Marketing Institute
Member of the Australian Computer Society
Member of The Institution of Engineers, Australia
Credits: Information architecture, project management, business development, planning, marketing, and communication
History: American & European Corporations - Retailing, Distribution and Business Consultancy
Brings: Business management prowess, leadership and structure to the Organisation.

To find out more about our services and how we can help your business,

send us an email or call us on 0410 699 065!

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